Appearance : burnished gold.
Nose : rich, heady. The empyreumatic (petrol, sleet) and syrupy (cane sugar) first nose sees Caroni leave its signature on the entire palette of aromas. Then, gradually, bouquets of dried flowers, ripe fruits (peach, Boskoop apple, Louise Bonne pear), candied lemon and malty, brioche notes bring us to the world of single malts. The duality is magnificent.
Palate : clean, taut. The generous and exuberant attack brings rum and whisky together under a single flag. Floral (heliotrope, mimosa, carnation) and mentholated flavours appear alongside still-warm cane sugar and hydrocarbon (turpentine, heating oil). This balance continues into the mid-palate. Then, irresistibly and almost inevitably the very end of the palate gives Caroni the upper hand.
Overall : long, silky. The rich (tarte tatin, raisin cake), honeyed (acacia, lime blossom) and spicy (cinnamon, clove) start of the finish allows barley to make a triumphant return. Founded on a beautiful bitterness, it invites us to savour barley sugar, very ripe banana, bourbon vanilla and pecan nuts. On the retro-nasal olfaction, coconut milk and praline envelop and refresh the taste buds. The empty glass is malty and floral (purple lilac) as a few whiffs of diesel linger in the air.
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